The property market is enormous, and Estate agents make a living, and often a good one, by helping individuals and businesses buy and sell property. When you come to sel your home, you will no doubt ask yourself ‘should I use a Realtor to sell my home?
There is no compulsion to use an Estate Agent’s service. Some house sellers will market their own property, thereby cutting out the middleman, in order to reduce their selling costs and keep more of the money from the sale.
Those home sellers who decide to use a realtor tend to do so because the responsibility of marketing their home, and finding potential, interested buyers with the necessary funds to buy a property, is taken over by the Estate Agent.
That can save a lot of time and work, as well as removing some of the hassle of house selling.
So instead of erecting ‘For Sale’ signs, writing advertising copy and placing ads. Plus waiting for and dealing with telephone enquiries, then showing prospective buyers around, and dealing with the time wasters, all you need to do is concentrate on keeping your home clean and tidy for when the realtor brings buyers round for a showing.